
Here, at the disclaimer, I would like to give credit to where credit is due. First of all, the play was taken from The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Also, the Curse of the Scottish Play was taken from a website with no contact information whatsoever. I do, however, have the author posted on that page. No website is whole without graphics so I would like to give a special thanks to Kyl's Medievil Clipart page where most, if not all, of the graphics are taken from. I have searched high and low for medievil graphics but I failed completley until I found his website. It has great stuff on it and thanks to his site, this site is possible. I also want to thank Universal Designs for helping me with some of the HTML and also for finding the quiz creator, forum, and guestbooks. Another big thank you goes to Bravenet who created the forum and the guestbooks. Thank you all for everything.
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