The Legendary Macbeth Final Exam

The Legendary Macbeth Final Exam

Answer the questions to the last giant test. It has quotes as well. Just put the character's name. All answers are one ot two words!

Notes: Click on "Grade Quiz" (at bottom of form) to see how you do! Incorrect answers will be checked, and the number of correct answers displayed. The quiz requires Netscape Navigator 3.01 or later, or MS Internet Explorer 4. It will not run correctly under earlier versions or other browsers.

1 The witches Goddess is whom?
2 Duncan's oldest son.
3 There are two generals; Macbeth and who?
4 The Thane of Fife is whom?
5 How many murderers are there? Please write out the amount.
6 Macbeth is the Thane of what?
7 Where are the Kings crowned at?
8 The name of Duncan's castle.
9 This forest "moves" and shows Macbeth his rule will end.
10 Macbeth hires murderers to kill what ally?
11 Donalbain flees where?
12 Malcolm flees where?
13 This play takes place in what country?
14 Macbeth's castle is called...?
15 King James is a decendent of which character?
16 What a haste looks through his eyes! So should he look That seems to speak things strange.
17 Great happiness!
18 So foul and fair a day I have not seen.
19 What thou art promised: yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' the milk of human kindness
20 There's daggers in men's smiles: the near in blood, The nearer bloody.
21 But shift away: there's warrant in that theft Which steals itself, when there's no mercy left.
22 No; though thou call'st thyself a hotter name Than any is in hell.
23 Turn, hell-hound, turn!
24 Your son, my lord, has paid a soldier's debt:
25 So, thanks to all at once and to each one, Whom we invite to see us crown'd at Scone.

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